Hi guysπ, thank you for visiting this blog again and again. may all your effort to click this link will be rewarded with a lot of precious knowledged..
because the weather is so nice today, i would like to give everyone a special gift.
flower,, !!!!πΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌπΌ for your tremendous support and love
have you guys read the previus post?? if YES, pat on your shoulder and whispher to yourself, " goodjob dearself. you are one step closer to hunt the huntington ''
ok, i know there are a lot of question in your mind regarding this disease right?
so we will unveil it one by one.. but all you have to do is to keep visiting this blog. PROMISE !
so here another gift for you. a short video of huntington disease.. (dont forget the popcorn while watching)π
in this post, we will just specifically discuss about the symptom of the disease, ok???
An individual will be considered to have Huntington Disease if the list below occur in their daily life. it affect both mentally and physically.
One of the first physical symptoms are unintended muscle movements, called “chorea,”
it appear abruptly and randomly. The history of the name is very interesting. Chorea is derived from the Greek word for dance and is best described as slow, dance-like movements that may affect the limbs, torso and face.
this is how chorea occur in individual. if you bumps into someone who suddenly dancing like this, dont quickly judge them. it can be either this chorea disease or that person is happily dancing for real.
The average age of onset is 40. if your age is around this number,, be cautiousπ
they will also become clumsy and lossing balance and these will besome worse over time.
![Image result for clumsy and losing balance gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/5b0l2zJwSXzsbLc7To/giphy.gif)
Chorea can also make speaking, eating, and walking more difficult, and may also affect the person's ability to perform daily functions, such as driving.ππππ
besides, they will also have muscle problems, such as rigidity or muscle contracture. the doctor called it as dystonia
They will also have slow or abnormal eye movements together with impaired gait, posture and balance
have you heard about bradykinesia” or “akinesia,” ?? it iswhere the movements and speech are slower and less animated ..huhuuu
it is typically develop later in the disease
hmm, so far, does the symptom appear in you??π
ok, next, we will discuss about the early behavioral signs of HD.
at first, it will increased irritability in person together with mood swings, overthinking, depression, with or without anger.
Over time, patients with HD may develop cognitive problems with memory, multi-tasking, and attention. Sometimes, these mental changes precede physical signs for years.
they will also have other cognitive problems and so many things that thay are lacking in.
they will lack in flexibility or the tendency to get stuck on a thought, behavior or action.
there are also lack of impulse control that can result in outbursts, acting without thinking and sexual promiscuity
other than that, there will be lack of awareness of one's own behaviors and abilities and slowness in processing thoughts or ''finding'' words. they also have difficulty in learning new information
lets take a paper & pen and take notes if one of these symptom apply to you.
![Image result for checklist tick gif](https://media.tenor.com/images/fb5e8cce85e37b71ce4d67aadbfed6ea/tenor.gif)
The bad things is, HD is a progressive disease. This means that it gets worse over time, and coordination of everyday activities become harder and harder. π
however, it depend on the person's age. He or she may suffer with HD for up to 30 years. T_T
HD is not fatal, but people who have it most commonly die from infection, injuries related to falls, or malnutrition.
so, that's all from me for today.. immediately seek the doctor if you have the symptom above.
take good care of yourself, it is how you gain your power back.
if you take care of yourself, it will take good care of you
bye2 ^_^..
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